<<<< Difference b/w REAL & FAKE Friends >>>
FAKE friends - Never ask for food.
REAL friends - Are the reason you have no food :) :P
FAKE friends - Have never seen you cry.
REAL friends - Cry with you :'(
FAKE friends - Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back. 8-|
REAL friends - Keep your stuff so long they forget it's yours.!! ;)
FAKE friends - Know a few things about you :/
REAL friends - Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you :D
FAKE friends - Would knock on your door.
REAL friends - Walk right in and say 'I'm home!
FAKE friends - Will help you up when you fall over :|
REAL friends - Will jump on top of you and shout "Pile on! :P
FAKE friends - Are for a while. *_*
REAL friends - Are for life O:)
FAKE friends - Will read this. >:O
REAL friends - Will steal this :)))))))))))))))))